Tips to fight food waste

Plan for your shopping; know what you already have at home. Buy the essential only.

Follow strictly the supermarket list you prepared at home. Try going shopping after your meals.

Buy vegetables, squash and fruit every week.
Do not worry about small defects such products might present.
Acquire the exact quantity your family will consume.
Eat the ripest fruit first.
Prepare fruit salads, fruit crush, to use creatively the available food.

When preparing, try to make use of the whole food whenever possible.
Pineapple skins become juice; vegetable stalks enrich pies, soups, rice, risottos, etc.

When food is ready and is at room temperature, freeze the leftovers in individual portions (a ladle of rice, beans, other cooked grains, etc). If too much is usually left over, try finding the ideal portions for your family.
Only freeze fresh food. Defreeze overnight in the refrigerator or at room temperature some hours before serving. Never refreeze.

In general, the dishes below are good for freezing :
- ready-made dishes;
- bread, cakes, pies and appetizers;
- season fruit as pulp for nutritious natural juices;
- sautéed fresh tomato sauces;
- blanched vegetables, chilled for 3 minutes in each stage (search for blanching techniques).
Not appropriate for freezing : mayonnaise, raw salads, cooked eggs, cooked potatoes
, white sauce, among others.

Have the right portion you intend to eat. Repeat it only if necessary.

Prefer produces of the season. They are cheaper and tastier.

Try to acquire products from your region. You will help reduce pollution and losses caused by transportation.

Do not buy lettuce, carrots and other products only to leave them spoiling in your refrigerator.

And more :

Discard food (organic garbage) separate from other residues such as paper, plastic, glass, metal and others.

Have the habit to read product labels : valid dates, nutrition facts, calories, ingredients, types of fat, etc.

Nature offers foods that help your health, shape and longevity.

Try to have natural food and juices. They are nutritious and produce less garbage (beverage packages).

Avoid fried food and stuffed meat.

Fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals and whole flours are rich in fiber and help in the proper functioning of the intestines.

Avoid frequently eating industrialized products with too much sugar, salt, saturated fat or chemical ingredients (preservatives, coloring, flavoring, antioxidants, stabilizers, etc).

At home, “advertise” fruit and vegetables and make your children used to healthy food choices.

Either organic or conventional, every natural product must be very well washed before eating. On-line Environmental Education for All